04 Jan Want to get your Life! back on track?
Are you looking for a New Year’s resolution that’ll improve your life? Maybe you’ve put on a few COVID kilos and need some help getting back on track?
The Life! program is a free Victorian healthy lifestyle program that helps you improve your eating habits, physical activity and stress management.
Here at Timboon and District Healthcare Service (TDHS), the program is delivered by our own team of professionals. The group course shows you how to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
If you’re interested, you can check your eligibility for the free program by visiting www.lifeprogram.org.au/get-involved/join-the-life-program
Heather Bullen who works at the Timboon Pharmacy completed the program through TDHS a couple of years ago and said it gave her the structure she needed to make some life changes.
“TDHS was set up down the street one day promoting the program and I decided I’d complete the risk assessment tool (AUSDRISK) and mine came back in the red which is high risk, so that was the jolt I needed,” she said.
“I didn’t exercise, my family has a history of diabetes, my cholesterol was high, we weren’t eating fruit and vegetables enough and so I was eligible to do it. I dragged my husband Shane along with me and we did it together.
“We’d just lost both Shane’s parents, we had a lot of stress in our lives, we were both overweight and Shane is a smoker as well.”
Heather said sessions were held at TDHS in the evenings which made attending easy and the pair committed to do the work and improve their health and wellbeing.
“It was all about education, reducing your risks, becoming more active and learning what your triggers were for eating too much and eating the wrong things,” she said.
“We did it with a small group of other locals and that gave us even more support, because we’d see each other down the street and have a chat about it.
“After a while I felt better, and that was really good, I lost some weight, my cholesterol dipped and Shane reduced his smoking as well.
“We’d trip up and fall off the wagon sometimes, but the support was there to get back on track and keep working towards a healthier, happier life.”
Community Health Nurse Amanda Nash said participants had a one-on-one session with the diabetes educator, then an initial meet and greet, before dedicated evenings with the dietitian and exercise instructor followed by sessions on stress, relaxation and sleep
Ms Nash said referrals from GPs in the area were more than welcome, but individuals could self-refer by calling reception on 5558 6000 to complete the eligibility assessment or complete it online and then get in touch.
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