09 Mar TDHS celebrates its inaugural staff and volunteer awards
Michelle Selten has become the first winner of the ICARE Dr Peter Fox Staff Award as part of Timboon and District Healthcare Service’s (TDHS) inaugural staff and volunteer awards.
This year marks the start of a new tradition for TDHS, which will now hold The Heart of TDHS Staff and Volunteer Awards annually on March 5.
Chief executive officer Gerry Sheehan said the organisation was only as strong as its team of staff and volunteers and he was thrilled that the new night celebrated their contributions.
He said March 5 was chosen because it was the date in 1956 that the hospital opened to receive patients for the first time.
“Staff Service awards, an Outstanding Volunteer Award and Life Governor awards were all milestones recognised on the night, along with the very special ICARE Dr Peter Fox Staff Award,” he said.
“We have previously presented the other awards at our annual general meeting, but the award named in Dr Fox’s honour is a new initiative we’re very proud of.
“It is presented to a staff member who is nominated by their peers and who continually makes a difference, constantly goes above and beyond their everyday work role and who demonstrates our ICARE Values – being Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect and Empathy.”
Dr Peter Fox was a special doctor in Timboon who worked long hours dealing with emergencies and house calls, as well as surgery, prior to the hospital opening.
While he was out visiting patients, sometimes other patients would show up at his home, and Mrs Fox would tend to them. Dr and Mrs Fox, along with the whole community, worked hard to bring the dream of a hospital in Timboon to reality.
“On the night we were lucky to have Dr Fox’s family attend to present our very first ICARE Dr Peter Fox Staff Award to our winner Michelle Selten,” Mr Sheehan said.
“Michelle commenced work with TDHS in 1990 as a registered nurse and has worked her way up to Nurse Unit Manager.
“She has on numerous occasions also covered the role of Director of Clinical Services.
“Michelle was nominated three times for the award and some of the comments made were ‘no one displays the values better in this organisation’, ‘a true leader’, ‘invested in the community’, ’she looks after people – staff, patients and community, and juggles everyone’s needs’. She received her award to a standing ovation.”
The Outstanding Volunteer Award went to The Timboon Auxiliary which provided 71 years of outstanding service towards enhancing the health and wellbeing of the local community, before recently folding due to the health and age of its members.
Other recipients were, Karen Kennett, Kristen Hain, Vickie Stevens and Amanda Nash who received long service awards.
Life Governor awards were awarded to Catherine Marr and Michael Broomhall, and in absence, Margaret Bull, Tom Walsh, John Renyard and Ray Smith.
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