31 May Stay apart, stay home, stay safe and stay kind
By Sabine McKenzie
TDHS Community Engagement Officer
Moving into circuit breaker restrictions has thrown all our plans into disarray and means we have to adjust again to major restrictions designed to contain the latest cluster of COVID-19 cases and to keep us, our families and friends safe and well.
Are you anxious about the restrictions and the limited mobility it brings? Do you have to do some days of home-schooling; can you go to work; is your business allowed to operate?
However you are feeling is totally okay. Talk about it, have some healthy debate about it. Talking is great therapy and helps us all understand our own, and alternate views. If you or someone you know needs help, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14.
This time there is an additional reason that allows you to leave home and that is to get a COVID-19 vaccination.
It’s clear – more than ever – this virus isn’t going away. Getting vaccinated assists in protecting you from getting sick from COVID-19. The vaccines being used in Australia are very effective at decreasing serious illness and loss of life from COVID-19. The vaccines are safe and free.
Anyone over the age of 50 can access vaccinations via our Timboon Clinic by calling 03 5558 6088. We are currently coordinating additional clinics. At present only Astra Zeneca is available to those over 50.
For those under 50, TDHS is unable to offer vaccines as we are not a registered provider/site. The Commonwealth is limiting those sites due to vaccine particulars (Pfizer). Barwon Health and South West Healthcare are providers for both: please note that the Government determines the criteria for which age group can receive which vaccine. For more information and on how to book an appointment, please click this link COVID-19 Information – South West Healthcare.
If you are confused about whether you’re eligible and which vaccine you’re eligible to have, please talk to your GP, who knows your medical situation and can ease your mind about what is the right thing to do for you.
Just like we supported each other through the last 12 months, we’ll get through this next circuit breaker together. So please continue to be mindful of yourself and others, mentally and physically. Together we can keep our town COVID-safe and get through this.
Please Stay Apart, Stay Home, Stay Safe and Stay Kind as we work together for a healthy community.
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