Spread kindness this National Others Week

What a place to live!

Research shows that strong, engaging communities are safer, healthier and happier. Making positive connections with our neighbours makes us feel like we are part of something bigger than ourselves and we are less likely to live in isolation, which can have adverse effects on our mental and physical well-being.

As this week marks National Others Week, a week dedicated to showing kindness to those around us, we want to thank our community for being connected with and being kind to their neighbours and others within the community.  When we put the call out for COVID mask makers in August, the response was amazing and since then more than 500 masks have been made by 30 community volunteers using materials bought by a generous Timboon Opshop cash donation. While all involved have been sent a handmade thank you card as a very small token of our gratitude, we wanted to publicly say “Thank You” for this great joined community effort and for showing your kindness to others. Masks are still available for free (or a gold coin donation to go to our monthly charity) at TDHS reception and also at local shops in Timboon and Port Campbell (Fat Cow, Milk & Honey, Pharmacy and Grassroots).

Our wonderful team of volunteers are another example of the kindness that exists in our community. They care for others day in day out by delivering meals and transporting clients to essential health appointments.

We live in a very generous and caring community and we know that our community doesn’t need a kindness awareness day, week or month to be reminded how important acts of kindness are, but for those that might need a friendly little nudge or some ideas to join the already converted ones knowing how good it feels to do something nice for others, we’ve listed some ideas below to get you going:

  • Grocery shopping for a neighbour
  • Mow a neighbour’s front lawn
  • Put a card in somebody’s letterbox to let them know you’re thinking about them
  • Pay it forward by buying the person behind you a cup of coffee
  • Volunteer
  • Be a good listener

But please also be kind to yourself. As the saying goes “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. In order to be able to look after others, you have to look after your own health and wellbeing. That long-overdue soak in a bath scented with essential oil is a great start and will enhance that warm glow of kindness you’re already feeling or give yourself a smile in the mirror to start the day on a positive note.

Stay Apart, Stay Safe and Stay Kind!

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