Office rejig fosters a more inclusive and efficient workplace

Recent renovations, minor refurbishments and office swapping here at Timboon and District Healthcare Service (TDHS) has created a more inclusive team culture, according to Home and Community Care (HACC) worker Suzanne Matthews.

TDHS’s building services team and local contractors have just completed a raft of changes that has seen many staff members relocated to spaces that make more strategic sense, according to chief executive officer Rebecca Van Wollingen.

“We thought we could use the space we have in a better, more efficient and smarter way and we’ve been able to do that. The response has been really positive,” she said.

“The logistics weren’t easy and we all had to cope with some disruption, but I think the benefits are already showing.

“Our teams are now located together, our management team is all in the one area and staff members who work in the community have a better base to work from and share.”

Mrs Matthews has delivered HACC services in the Cobden area for nearly 10 years and said it was great to have a base to work from where the whole HACC team came together.

“We often have clients that other team members visit as well, so it’s really useful to have discussions with each other if we have any concerns or anything like that,” she said.

“Before we were separated so you tended to call or text each other, but it’s much more personable and efficient to just be together.

“I also like that we run into the CEO and executive team at the photocopier and things like that. They always valued us, but now they know who we are a bit more and vice versa.

“I’m getting to know other people in the building, so it definitely feels more inclusive.”

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