New clinic starting soon

We are excited to announce a new service starting soon at Timboon and District Healthcare Service.  Sharon Homberg is a Continence Urology Nurse Consultant from South West Healthcare who will be holding a clinic at TDHS on the 4th Thursday of each month with the first clinic being held on Thursday 23 February 2017.

Incontinence is a term that describes any accidental or involuntary loss of urine from the bladder (urinary incontinence) or bowel motion, faeces or wind from the bowel (faecal or bowel incontinence).  Incontinence is a widespread condition that ranges in severity from ‘just a small leak’ to complete loss of bladder or bowel control. In fact, over 4.8 million Australians have bladder or bowel control problems for a variety of reasons. Incontinence can be treated and managed.  In many cases it can also be cured.  ( )

Sharon said she sees people of all ages with bladder and bowel problems and emphasised you do not have to be incontinent to access this service.

Urodynamics is a study that assesses how the bladder and urethra are performing their job of storing and releasing urine.  When required, Sharon will be able to arrange and provide this testing from South West Healthcare, as the equipment cannot be transported to TDHS.

Sharon is currently training someone in continence nursing and it is expected they will join her from time to time for the clinic in Timboon.  Access to a continence physiotherapist can also be arranged.

Fees will apply to the continence clinic.  Referrals can be made by medical practitioners, allied health staff and you can also self-refer.  Please contact TDHS on 5558 6000 to book an appointment.  There are still bookings available on Sharon’s first day at TDHS so call soon!

With over 30 years nursing experience, Sharon has specialised in continence nursing for 22 ½ years.

Married with 2 adult children, Sharon quipped, ‘passion for me is with 4 P’s – purple, pee, poo, and prostate’.



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