
New Chair pauses for a cause


Timboon and District Healthcare Service’s new Chair, Maryanne Puli Vogels, is leading board members on a month-long ‘pause for a cause’ to support disadvantaged youth.

Ms Puli Vogels has ditched alcohol for febfast, which raises funds to help support vital youth workers, services and programs for disadvantaged young people who need it most.

She said the whole Board was right behind the initiative and many had also chosen to make a personal sacrifice for the cause and join her on the Timboon MPS febfast team.

“Some of us are giving up alcohol, some sugar and some inactivity. It’s about showing our youth that we care and helping make a difference to those most disadvantaged,” she said.

“Some youth can have problems due to home life, drugs, alcohol or something else. These are the adults of our future and we need to invest in them for our community.

“The money raised by febfast funds the youth workers who work with the young people to make sure they have a fairer start in life.”

Ms Puli Vogels said the Timboon MPS team set out to raise $2000, but had already reached over $1600 thanks to donations from community members.

“Anybody can join us – the more the better. It’s a perfect excuse to kick-start a healthier year, while raising funds for disadvantaged young people,” she said.

“You can even pay for a day pass if you have a special occasion or something like that and the febfast team are there to support you if you need them.

“From my perspective it also gives us the opportunity to talk about health and wellbeing in our community and to raise awareness of the importance of building good, healthy habits.”

Anyone interested in donating or joining the Timboon MPS team is encouraged to visit www.febfast.org.au/fundraisers/timboonmps312

Ms Puli Vogels recently stepped up into the role of Chair following Josh McKenzie’s decision to step back into a regular role on the Board.

“We have so much to offer as a health organisation and I was keen to step up and build more awareness as we continue to move forward,” she said.

“I’m part of the community and I want to give back. I’m really keen to make sure we meet the needs of the community.

“It’s a great time to become Chair as we move through our assessment of what we offer, whether that’s right and how we will continue to evolve to best service our community.”

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