TDHS HARP Colin O'Neill

Introducing HARP | Hospital Admission Reduction Program

New collaborations

Collaboration between healthcare services in the region is important to provide optimum health and wellness to our community. Timboon and District Healthcare Service has teamed up with South West Healthcare and Terang and Mortlake Health service  to bring the Hospital Admission Reduction Program (HARP) to local areas. HARP is an important service supporting streamlined care services and a holistic approach. TDHS has also joined forces with MPower Warrnambool to provide a range of one-off or short-term supports for carers.

Introducing HARP

The Hospital Admission Reduction Program (HARP) was introduced to the district in June 2022, after funding was made available via the Victorian Government’s Better at Home initiative.

Warrnambool’s Colin O’Neill, who is employed by South West Healthcare as the HARP Care Coordinator, provides the service to Timboon and District Healthcare Service two days per week.

Colin’s role includes the identification of clients at risk of multiple hospital presentations and working with them to develop strategies to manage their condition. Colin convenes regularly with the multi-disciplinary team who meet to discuss client needs and the various
members provide input on the services that are available.

Colin has previously worked as a nurse including roles in critical care and nurse educator positions. It was through the COVID remote patient monitoring that Colin moved into a community health role at South West Healthcare. His role includes client education and aligning client services.

Studies show that patients who are treated at home have better health outcomes because they sleep better, stay socially connected and are more active. Home treatment also reduces pressure on the hospital system, which has been a concern over the past couple of years during COVID.

No referral is required to access the Hospital Admission Reduction Program. Colin can be contacted via TDHS on 5558 6000.

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