01 Mar Family Violence Reforms
In February 2015, the Victorian State Government established the Royal Commission into Family Violence. The Commission’s report, released in March 2016, made 227 recommendations all of which will be implemented by Victoria’s 10-year plan called Ending Family Violence: Victoria’s Plan for Change.
FOCUS ON CORANGAMITE: Brophy Family and Youth Services
Brophy is a Warrnambool based service which provides a range of outreach services to the Corangamite Shire.
Their services include:
- A range of adolescent-focused services including targeted interventions to families where young people are at risk of leaving home, and where there is conflict and violence in the home.
- Family Violence counselling for women and children.
- Foster and Kinship care services
- Men focused services including men and family relationships programs.
- Accommodation and housing support programs for both adults and young people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
- Mental Health services for young people.
- Drug and Alcohol services for young people.
- Programs for young parents
- LGBTIQ focused groups, services and supports.
Find out more on the Brophy website or by calling (03) 5561 8888
Police 000
Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service Victoria
Toll-free: 1800 015 188
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