11 Oct Community survey delivers new services in 2020
Investments in social work, a new Community Health Manager position, increased physiotherapy hours and an upgrade to the operating theatre underpin short-term priorities at Timboon and District Healthcare Service (TDHS) it was revealed this week.
Acting chief executive officer Rebecca Van Wollingen said the organisation was working hard to meet the needs and expectations of the community – as communicated via the Community Survey and Conversation Caravan project in 2018.
“Additional services are being implemented to meet the areas of identified need and their introduction will be staggered over the next 12 to 18 months,” she said.
“We are really excited to confirm that social work will be added to our suite of Allied Health services in early 2020 and this decision has been driven by the community, for the community in recognition of the importance of mental health.
“At around the same time, we will introduce a three-fold increase in physiotherapy services here in Timboon when contact hours are lifted from 10 hours per week, to 32.”
Ms Van Wollingen said changes in the role of the theatre will be minimised through targeted investments that ensure the asset meets quality and safety standards for procedural services into the future.
“We are committed to ensuring we maintain a safe theatre and appropriate procedural services and we’ve already purchased a new scope for $140,000 in March and we’re planning to spend $220,000 on the theatre in the current financial year,” she said.
“The focus of the Board and our management team is on maintaining and delivering the range of services that our community has identified as being most in need.”
Ms Van Wollingen said providing local social work and physio appointments would benefit many people now and into the future. She congratulated the community for sharing its vision for TDHS and providing clear direction to the organisation.
“Importantly there are several ways people can continue to play an active role in the long-term future of TDHS and earlier this month we advertised two such opportunities,” she said.
“We are currently seeking expressions of interest for consumer representation to sit on our Consumer Participation Committee (CAC) and our Clinical Governance, Quality and Credentialing Committee.
“More information about both of these opportunities can be found on our website, however if anyone just wants to have a chat we always welcome those conversations and have a process in place to capture individual views and feed them into our decision making.”
More information about the permanent full time Community Health Manager position which is now open for applications can also be found here.
The Conversation Caravan in April 2018.
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