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Cobden Social Support Group Enjoys a Sweet Treat

The Cobden Social Support Group headed to the coast for a sweet day out recently and tasted some chocolate before filling baskets up with sweet treats for loved ones and of course themselves. They were all amazed by the range of goodies to purchase, from chocolate bars to fudge in a jar with many in between. Then into Torquay they headed after having a look at the kite surfers off danger point, then along the esplanade to the bowling club for a lovely lunch while watching the bowlers on the green and the waves crashing in the surf – unfortunately, no fishing was happening as the sea was quite rough. Then a drive through one of the new estates as they headed for the Surfcoast Highway towards home. They were all amazed by the homes being built right beside each other, the outside walls touching with tiny backyards and nowhere for children to play. Another great day had by everyone, I’m sure everyone slept well that night.

Another recent day out our Cobden group were taken out on National Pirate Day to a mystery destination. They were all decked out in pirate costumes and goodie bags. There was a treasure hunt, the destination with clues given of old buildings and landmarks in and around Port Fairy, when members spotted the building from the clue they yelled ahoy! To which they were given an eye patch to put on and given the next clue to read out – the final clue was the treasure box full of gold coin chocolates, won by Marg. To finish the day we had a delicious BBQ lunch after a stroll along the marina, and not to be forgotten an ice cream on the way home.

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