15 Jul Face masks mandatory for all visitors to TDHS ward
On the advice of the Department of Health and Human Services, visitors to the Timboon and District Healthcare Service (TDHS) ward are now required to wear a face mask.
This step is being taken as a precaution only, to further increase the safety of our aged care residents, patients, clients, staff, volunteers and the wider community.
If you can, we ask that you bring your own face mask with you. If you cannot source one yourself, a disposable, single use face mask will be provided upon entry.
Visitors to the ward will be required to wear the mask for the full duration of their visit.
This is an additional step on top of our exisiting screening which requires all visitors to wash/sanitise their hands, have their temperature taken, answer a few quick questions and provide proof they have had the 2020 influenza vaccine.
Residents and patients are currently allowed two visits each day, by no more than two people, for a maximum of two hours.
We continue to take all reasonable measures to reduce the spread and severity of COVID-19 and support our community during this time.
For more information, please visit www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus or call the Coronavirus Hotline (24 hours; 7 days) 1800 675 398.
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