We are all going to remember this time of isolation and social distancing in our history, but how could you capture it for posterity’s sake in a photo?
That’s the challenge we’ve set as this year’s theme for our 2020 Photography Competition.
The other major change this year is there are no entry forms to complete so it’s much easier to get involved and possibly win $150 for 1st place, $75 for 2nd or $30 for 3rd.
To enter this year, all you have to do is post photos that meet the theme on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #tdhsphotocomp2020 and you are entered.
Those without social media can also email photos to
The theme of Coronavirus isolation and social distancing is quite broad when you think about it. Maybe your photo could capture quality family time, exercising at home or outdoors where appropriate social distancing can be demonstrated.
Perhaps you have been inspired by arts and craft projects, renovations around your home, board games, at-home camping or even video calls with friends and family.
The opportunities are endless, and our judges will also be looking for that all-encompassing TDHS vision for the future – ‘working together for a healthy community’.
Entries opened today and close on Friday, July 17.
All entrants are also offered the chance to have their shots displayed in Timboon and District Healthcare Service publications.